Tag: Lyrik Longstreth

Graduation at Ann’s Bright Beginnings

Graduation was recently held at Ann’s Bright Beginnings.   We held our celebration outside and entertained our guests with songs before being presented with their well deserved diplomas and special awards.  Pictured here (l-r) Lyrik Longstreth, Nathan Sizemore, Noah Sears, Holland Witkouski and Mylann Good.  Congratulations, graduates!

Let’s Go Fly A Kite!

Ann’s Bright Beginnings preschoolers recently made a kite project on letter “Kk” day.  We had fun cutting and selecting colorful kites for our creations.   Registration is open for fall preschool and summer care!  Give us a call at 419-399-KIDS (5437).

Ann’s Bright Beginners Learn About Winter Animals

Ann’s Bright Beginnings preschoolers were recently visited by Anna Gurney from Paulding Soil & Water Conservation District. She brought animal pelts and talked with the children about how animals survive the long, cold winter. We learned what animals hibernate, what animals migrate and what animals stay awake and forage for food. Shown here with our…