Tag: Luke Kuhn

East Vine NOW OPEN for Party, Wedding, and Meeting Rentals in Sherwood

A newly renovated two-floor event space in Sherwood — held its Ribbon Cutting and Open House on Thursday, Feb. 22. The event also doubled as Sherwood Area Economic Development’s Annual Meeting, where area businesses, CEOs, historians, elected officials, and local residents gathered to hear village updates and officer elections.  This modernized yet elegant building is…

This week on PCBW: Levi & Luke Kuhn

Take time to hear from Levi & Luke Kuhn from Sherwood, Ohio, our neighbors to the north. Listen to how local business leaders can grow up here, attend college here, and reinvest in the community. It takes help from local commitment and investment to reenergize a community. Paulding County Business Weekly is hosted by Tim…