Tag: Good

We Love Our Mummies!

Ann’s Bright Beginners made mummies for Halloween and talked about real and fantasy.  We know that things that people dress up for at Halloween time are not real, but we can have fun pretending when we dress up!  Shown here with their mummies are: Harper Snyder, Owen Gamble, Mylann Good, Nathan Sizemore and Kyla Barajas. …

A Holiday Challenge

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck When we think of the holidays this time of the year, we envision warm homes filled with laughter, good food, and loved ones. However, for some people the holidays just exacerbate their problems. They fail to see the joy when they are suffering on a daily basis. While it…

Public Phone Etiquette – Miss C

There were no questions in the Miss C question queue this week. So, instead of answering a reader question, I am going to give some unsolicited advice (and perhaps a bit of a soapbox stance). In the meantime, please feel free to submit your questions to Ask Me… Miss C. I have confidential email (AskMeMissC@gmail.com),…

“Self Image” – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I don’t understand why I never feel good about myself. Can you help me? —Jane Doe Dear Jane Doe, I would first like to remind you, advice given in this column is not medical or official counseling advice. If you have ongoing concerns, or if your thoughts and feelings are interfering with…