Tag: chiropractic

Nestleroad Offers Reflexology Therapy at Bragg Chiropractic

Jennifer (Knapp) Nestleroad is a native of Antwerp, OH. As a Licensed Massage Therapist, she is currently located at Bragg Chiropractic, 410 E. River St., Antwerp, and has been licensed for over two years. She recently took an advanced course in Reflexology, becoming a certified Master Reflexologist. Reflexology is the science that deals with the…

New Location for Bagley Family Chiropractic

Hicksville recently saw changes to a local medical office. Dr. Ryan Bagley and his practice moved to Old Mill Road. This new location opened on December 21, 2013 and is right around the corner from the previous address at West High Street. Ryan is 1998 graduate of Antwerp High School who went to Bowling Green…