Mark and Amy Rager of Paulding, Ohio are pleased to announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Kaylyn Ann Rager to Caleb Michael Murray, son of Dan and Tasha Murray of Waynetown, Indiana. The wedding ceremony and reception will take place in September at the Valle Vista Golf Club and Conference Center in…

Ohio Department of Aging Engages Local Small Businesses to Support Seniors’ Needs During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Ohio Department of Aging announced a new partnership with local area agencies on aging and restaurants throughout Ohio to provide free meals to older Ohioans who are unable to prepare meals and lack meal support at home or in their communities. The department developed the Staying Healthy program with funding from the federal Coronavirus…


The month of July found your WMEA Program back up and running at full capacity. All of our trailers went out on schedule with the exception of the Junction/Latty scheduled pickup. I have a favor to ask. If you are one of our outstanding recyclers in the Junction/Latty areas, will you please call me at…

Plane crash in William County

West Unity – The Defiance Post is investigating a plane crash that occurred in a bean field near County Road 19.50 and County Road I.50 in Brady Township, Williams County. The crash happened around 1:00 PM and involved a 1946 Aeronca 7AC plane. The plane was traveling westbound and attempting to land at a private…