COVID 19 Vaccines Distribution Start in Paulding

Paulding County Health Department began distributing COVID-19 vaccines this week. As part of Ohio’s Phase 1A, we are providing vaccines for health care workers, EMS responders and people with developmental disabilities. We expect regular shipments but don’t yet know how long it will take to provide vaccines to people who want them in Phase 1A.…

Paulding FFA Had a Fun and Eventful Year!

By: Reporter, Hailey Weidenhamer and Mason Schlatter The Paulding FFA Chapter has had a very fun and eventful year. Throughout the pandemic the chapter has found many new ways to still give back to the community and stay on track with our annual projects.  In January, The Paulding FFA started off the new year by…


Students had a coin drive at Grover Hill to raise money for the Meals on Wheels program in Paulding County. The students raised $1,081.75 to pay for the Christmas Meal that was distributed within our county. Students also wrote Christmas cards and colored pictures for each person, their Christmas letters and cards were also delivered…