Stan Jordan

Stan’s Articles

TIM’S DINER By: Stan Jordan This picture was given to me and I’m sure it was taken out of an issue of the Antwerp Bee Argus back in 1979. The young man there is Tim Peffly, a graduate of Antwerp High School 1970. The caption tells all about his open house. I’m going to tell…

Stan’s Articles

THE ANTWERP INSURANCE AGENCY By: Stan Jordan The lot for this picture has a lot of history. As I remember, it was a red shed like there. Dave Johnson had a blacksmith business for many years. He also had another shed like, across the street where now the post office is. Jake Tracy had this…

Stan’s Articles

L. SMITH & SON Building By: Stan Jordan The above picture of the L. Smith & Son building is a lot of Antwerp’s late history. This was a big hardware store, electrical appliances, automotive dealer, farm machinery and garage work. Lewis Smith and his son, Carl, moved to Antwerp from Defiance in 1908. There were…

Stan’s Articles

TINY’S & YAGER’S By: Stan Jordan Tiny’s – This is on the corner of Stone and South Main Street and it is as much of Antwerp’s history as I can imagine. On the left is Tiny DeLong’s  Lunch. At sometime, every Antwerp citizen has been in that lunch room. When Tiny came home from WWI…


By: Stan Jordan When I was a little lad this was a vacant lot. At the turn of the century that was a big grocery store. There was a store here called Berdan Co. of Toledo. I don’t know what happened to it, but it was gone by 1930. In the 1930’s and 1940’s there…

Stan’s Articles

Leinard Garage By: Stan Jordan From what I can remember and I’m not sure at all, Jack Leinard and Harry Parent started this business about 1932. Then I think Harry Parent sold out and went to New Haven and then it became Leinard Chevrolet. If you will notice, in the picture it shows Leinard’s has…


By: Stan Jordan This is sort of a testimonial of a blue and red farm truck that works for Kenny Hahn and Nick Bragg. I am a 1982 Chevrolet farm truck and I would like to publish my history before I end up in the crusher. For years, I hauled grain for a nice fellow…

Stan’s Ramblings

Jack Daniels Fishing Story I went fishing this morning, but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait. Knowing the snake couldn’t bite me with the frog in its mouth, I grabbed right behind the head, took the…

Stan’s Ramblings

By: Stan Jordan The caption on this picture reads: Mr & Mrs. John Roberts of Waterville, Ohio found this sign in an eddy of the Maumee River in Farnsworth Park 3 years ago. Mr. Roberts is a train enthusiast and did some research to find out more about the treasure he had found. They were…

A Little on the Potato

By: Stan Jordan All of this data on the history or the potato was given to me by Kathy Payton and I want to thank her for all of it: The potato has its origins in the misty Andes Mountains of South America. There as far back as 500 B.C. the native peoples of Chile…

Three Pretty Girls

By: Stan Jordan The above picture is part of the group given to me by Ted Mendez.  We have Rama Meyers, Class of 1953; Marilyn Witt, Class of 1953 and June Vail, Class of 1952. I’m not for certain what this occasion was, but I believe it was Antwerp Days 1952. See ya!

Stan’s Ramblings

Ted Mendez Was In By: Stan Jordan Ted Mendez was in the other say and brought me some old pictures and some information on the park and a lot of old memories. In 1950 the Weatherhead factory was built. A lot of their officiants came from Cleveland. Well the president of the company was Dane…

A Great Horned Owl

By: Stan Jordan This picture is of a Great Horned Owl that was injured/sick and ended up in Jim Pendergrast’s yard. They didn’t know how bad off the owl was so they called Nature’s Nursery in Whitehouse, Ohio and them folks came right out to get the bird. They figured the wings were not broke,…