Village of Antwerp Gets a New Website

The Village of Antwerp has prepared a new website for public access. The site located at has been prepared with the help of Natural Design and Graphics out of Paulding. The recent upgrade has enabled the village to communicate better to the public. 

In addition to ordinances and announcements, there is the calendar that should help residents be able to see upcoming meetings and other events.

Fiscal Officer, Aimee Lichty, announced the new website at the council meeting on January 19. She asked that residents to go the site and sign up for the alerts. There are actually two places to sign and they are beside each other. The alerts on the left will require you to be a water utilities payer and you will need your water bill customer number to register. This is called the IRIS emergency alert system and there to let people know of disturbances in the town such as water, power, street closings, and much more. The other notification is for updates that are not necessarily for immediate knowledge.

Go to the village website and sign up now.