The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for the 5th annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony! This year, however, will be quite different from past years.  

Due to coronavirus protocols, we will not be hosting the usual in-person event, instead, we will be “lighting up” live on Facebook! This will give everyone the opportunity to enjoy the show from the comfort and safety of their own homes. We will be going live on the evening of November 30th. You will also notice a few other changes this year.  

We will not be using the tree that we have been using for the past 4 years. The tree has outgrown our chamber volunteer group efforts to decorate it. This year we have spruced up and revamped the arbor area at the Village Green which is located behind the tennis court. We will be lighting up the Nativity as well as some new additions!  The Chamber has planted a new tree that will someday be the spotlight of our future tree lightings to come. We hope that the lights will brighten your Christmas season and bring Joy, Hope, and Happiness to our town despite the difficult year.  Please join us live on Facebook to help us illuminate Antwerp together!