Singin’ in the Rain, Jr. at the Huber

Tap your toes and sing along in this splashy adaptation of the world’s most celebrated movie musical with its hilarious situations and snappy dialogue. The Huber Junior Youth will present this show on Feb. 22 @ 7:00 and Feb. 23 @ 2:30.

Singin’ in the Rain JR. has all the makings of a Tinseltown tabloid headline — the starlet (Ava Pickett), the leading man (Trey McFarland) and a love affair with Kathy Selden (Aria Clem) that could change lives and make or break careers! In silent movies, leading man Don Lockwood and starlet Lina Lamont are a hot item, but behind the scenes, things aren’t always as they appear on the big screen! Meanwhile, Lina’s squeaky voice might be the end of her career in “talking pictures” without the help of a talented young actress to do the talking and singing for her.

Sidekick Cosmo Brown (Alex Harris), Journalist Dora Bailey (Aniyah Sajaun), film producer R.F. Simpson (Ben Harris), director Dexter (Titus Garmater), Lina’s manager Roz (Joda Freese), and chorus girl Zelda (Lyla Clem) all add to the action of this hilarious show. Other supporting actors include: Miss Dismore (Leah Garmater), Teacher (Myranda Brooks), Sound Engineer (Katherine Bland), Policeman (Nathan Boyer), Broadway Host (George Green), and production assistants (Mallory Mavis, Rosemary Cameron, Kailin Elwood). Additional cast members include: Autumn Becker, Alia Clem, Delaney Dauchenhaus, Rachel Garmater, Henry Gerschutz, Katherine Green, Kasey Hedge, Madalyn Hedge, Brya McAlexander, Evy McAlexander, Anna Saunders, Blayze Vance, and Jordys Vance. 

Director Julie Hall is accompanied by music directors Earlee Harris and Lindsay Clem, producer Chris Feichter, and set engineer Josh Garmater. For more information on this show go to