City of Woodburn Council Meeting Minutes 4/2/18

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kelsey, Clerk-Treasurer Cummins, Superintendent Walls, Chief Duhamell as well as Councilmen Watts, Voirol, Gerig, and Renner were in attendance. Councilman Martin was not present.

Police Chief’s Report: The Woodburn police department recently completed firearms qualification with issued duty ammunition. All officers did qualify under the new academy guidelines with the new targets. New duty ammunition was issued to each officer. Squad #3 is being repaired from a previously mentioned engagement.

Superintendent’s Report: There are some power issues that need addressed with AEP at a few city locations. The superintendent had passed out information at the Board of Works meeting for prices of a chemical testing lab to be used on site with the new mechanical plant when it goes online. The 101 project is complete except for the four grinder stations that need to be placed on Maumee Center.

Mayor’s Report: The mayor brought details up for the Council to consider regarding planning and design services for costs involved with the application for the Stellar Community Award in the amount of $5,000. Councilman Renner moved to proceed as presented, second by Councilman Gerig, all present in favor. The mayor spoke with INDOT regarding the semi-trucks parking along 101 north of the city across from Love’s and is awaiting further consideration from them. The mayor discussed a potential grant opportunity through OCRA for a 50/50 match of up to $10,000.

Clerk-Treasurer’s Report: The meeting minutes were presented from the March 19th meeting. After discussion, Councilman Gerig moved to accept the minutes from the meeting on March 19th as presented, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. Warrants were presented. After inspection, Councilman Watts moved to pay the warrants as presented, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. The clerk-treasurer presented information regarding three quotes for repairing the roof of city hall. After discussion, it was determined to see the willingness of Maumee Township to contribute to this repair before committing to a quote.

Councilmen’s Report: Councilman Watts mentioned that Homestead Place did not have their recycling picked up again. Councilman Renner asked about a property owner blocking off sidewalk access within the city and wanted to know what was being done with it. The clerk-treasurer has prepared a letter to be delivered by the police chief tomorrow morning.

Audience: A resident mentioned that the city should consider replacing the current roof with a metal roof over city hall, the rental building, and the fire station. A resident mentioned that the lines need repainted in the parking lot.

Councilman Watts moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilman Renner, all present in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.