Parson to Person

By: Dr. James Bachman Dear Parson, I have done some really bad things in my past. I have asked God for forgiveness many times, but I carry heavy, debilitating guilt. What can I do? Satan loves to drown Christians with false guilt. It is false because when we ask for forgiveness, God gives it. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). When God cleanses you, you are squeaky clean. Satan will keep whispering, and sometimes yelling, “Dirty, dirty, dirty.” Believe God and RECEIVE the forgiveness He has given. Then tell Satan you are undeservedly clean and if he has a problem with that he should go to God, Who says it is so. Suppose I was accused of robbing a bank, admitted it in court, and the judge, for whatever reason, pardoned me. Suppose also that I was able to push him off the bench, take his place and point down to myself as if I were still in the chair of the accused and shout, “Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!” That is what you are doing. I might hear the judge say, “Excuse me, but who made you the judge in this courtroom?” Proper response to the judge, and God, for pardon should be “Thank you, Your Honor. I don’t deserve this, but I intend to go and live in such a way that you will never regret what you have done.”