Paulding FFA Ag Communications Teams Places 5th in Ohio

Pictured L–R is Estee Miller, Kalyn Strahley, Hannah Farr and Chantal Monnier

The Paulding FFA Ag Communications team recently traveled to Columbus to compete in the final round of the Ag Communications Career Development Event. In December, the team of Hannah Farr, Chantal Monnier, Estee Miller and Kalyn Strahley qualified by placing 2nd in the district. Before heading to the final competition, members were required to take an Ag Communications quiz bases on the AP Stylebook and had to submit a Media Plan outlining how they would promote a specified plan.

Once at the event, another test on editing skills was completed and students performed a 15 minute presentation. Each student then compete in a different practicum on the following areas: Web Design, Promotional Video Production, Journalistic Writing, and Opinion Writing. Each member was given 60 minutes to complete their practicum. Chantal Monnier was 2nd in Promotional Video Production, Hannah Farr was 5th in Web Design, Kalyn Strahley was 5th in Opinion Writing and Estee Miller was 9th in Journalistic Writing.

This is the first time that Paulding FFA competed in this event and the members will receive a banner for the chapter to display.