2016 Reappraisal Change Of Value Notice For Paulding County

Paulding County Auditor, Claudia J. Fickel, announced this week that the proposed 2016 revaluation of properties in Paulding County is nearing an end. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5715.33, the County Auditor is required to reappraise all real property within the county every six years. e last reappraisal for Paulding County occurred in 2010.

Informal hearing dates have been scheduled to allow residents to view the proposed new values. ese meetings are to allow the taxpayer to meet one-on-one with the appraisal sta . e purpose of any reappraisal is not to raise or lower taxes, but to equalize values due to re- cent changes in the sales market and property conditions. Property taxes are established by the passage of levies by local voters in each taxing district. Although your value may have ei- ther increased or decreased, your taxes will not necessarily rise or fall by the same percentage.

We do not receive tax rates until mid-December, so at this time, we will not be able to determine the amount of your taxes payable in 2017. is information pertains to values only.

See the notice here for more information:

PC Auditor Reappraisal Change 3×8 #32,34

PC Auditor Reappraisal Change 3x8 #32,34