A New Year’s Resolution – Miss C

Ask Me Miss C Heading

It’s Time for Another Edition of Unsolicited Advice from Miss C!

Have you ever noticed that when a year comes to an end, we tend to get a little introspective? Sometimes this is a good thing because it gives us a chance to reflect on the many and often forgotten blessings from the year. Other times, eh… not so much. Sadly, I think that too often, the end of the year brings melancholy while we are reminded of goals not reached, losses, or disappointments. Both, however, inspire what we call “New Year’s Resolutions!” Some of the most popular resolutions are weight loss, healthy lifestyle, no more procrastinating (oh wait, that would be my list;) Either way, resolutions are created to guide and inspire a new hope and determination for great things in the coming year… well for about a week anyway. After that week more resolutions are dropped than continued. So, when you sit down to make your resolution list… STOP! Don’t do it!! I am serious… don’t do it! It sounds like I am telling you not to set goals doesn’t it? I am not. Goals are very important, but they are important every day (not just January 1st) and should be tracked and accounted through the whole year. Do you want to know why we fail to keep our resolutions? They are not very specific. Just saying, “I want to be healthy this year” or “I want to lose weight this year,” isn’t enough. How are you going to do that? What is your plan? Sometimes our resolutions are just unrealistic because they are based solely on our own willpower, not a system and a plan. We set ourselves up for failure, and the more we fail at our resolutions, the more helplessness we feel. Heck! We even start to distrust ourselves and wonder if there is any point at all!

So, as this year comes to an end, do yourself a favor and throw out the resolutions. Then do yourself an even bigger favor and visualize where you want to be one year from today. Now, think backwards… what small steps are needed to make that vision happen? And finally, map out those small steps as a path to your vision goal. Hold yourself accountable; or find a buddy to help each other be accountable. Hmm, that reminds me of one of my favorite Confucian quotes: A journey of thousands miles begins with a single step. Or from Proverbs… even the longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point.


—Miss C