“A Letter to Little Miss C” – Miss C

Ask Me Miss C Heading

Things I wish I understood at 12: A letter to my little self…

Dear Little Miss C,

You may not realize it today, but you are beautiful. Maybe yesterday your massive crush told you (thinking you were your bff, when it was really on the phone…) you are a dog face and would never want to “go out with you.” Little C, I know that was hurtful and something you will hide from everyone because it was embarrassing. I know that comment will keep you from feeling pretty for years to follow. I also know that you feel like there must be something wrong with you…your crush doesn’t like you and you feel like no boy ever will. You feel you will forever be the outsider, but pray really hard for the morning you wake up and realize that the ‘ugly duckling’ syndrome will just go away. Then you will suddenly be like the girls in the movies you love to watch. Girls who start out being misunderstood but then everyone suddenly sees your inner beauty and adores you.  Little C, middle and high school are hard. It is not always like the movies.  But you are so beautiful, your heart is easily hurt because you are sensitive. That is a sign of true beauty.  You care! One day that caring nature will help others, and you can make the world a better place. There is nothing more beautiful. Oh and when you are older you will be friends with this guy, and he will feel terrible when you confront him about it…he doesn’t even remember.

In 6th grade you will get a letter from your best friend. The letter will tell you she no longer wants to be your friend. She tells you that she doesn’t want to spend time with you anymore, because she wants to be popular and does not believe that can happen with you as her friend. Little C, this letter has nothing to do with who you are. Don’t waste even one day worrying about it. You don’t know this now, but this girl has a lot of real problems in her life. She is going to go through a lot of hardships.  She needs love and support. Yes she hurt you, but instead of focusing on that hurt, take some time to pray for her. Her actions are not a reflection of who you are, and you will find friends who love you for just being you.

Little C, everything is changing. Schools, hormones, friends…everything! Sometimes it feels like you are under a microscope. Most of the time though, everyone is too busy worrying about their own problems to worry about yours. Everyone is trying so hard to fit ‘In’. Everyone thinks there is only room for a certain number of people ‘in.’ This delusion creates mean girls. You know who they are. They are the girls who will always be nice to your face, but say mean things behind your back. They are the girls who judge everyone else, they may even pick on others. They do this not because of who you are, but because they are not comfortable with who THEY are. In the real world there is no limit to who can be included. So much drama, so few years. Just stop. Don’t talk about your friends, talk to them. Don’t exclude, include. Instead of worrying about what everyone thinks about you, spend time just being you…because like I said in the beginning of this letter. You are beautiful. You may not be able to stop others from being mean, but you CAN control how you handle yourself. So instead of worrying what everyone else thinks about you, follow your heart and be the best person you can be. That is truly beautiful.


—‘Old” Miss C

*I want to hear from you! Please send your questions, letters, emails to me at AskMeMissC@gmail.com, visit and ‘LIKE’ my Ask Me Miss C Facebook page, or send your old fashioned letter to my attention at the West Bend News!*