Toothless Dreamer – Dear Miss C

Ask Me Miss C HeadingDear Miss C,

I read a few weeks ago a dream interpretation question, so I hope you will take the time to talk about mine too. I keep having dreams where my teeth fall out. Its weird. I might be dreaming about something totally different, but then I will brush my teeth and they will fall out, one by one. Or I will be dreaming about having dinner with a friend and take a bite of something dumb like pudding, and a tooth will fall out… what the heck??

—Toothless Dreamer


Dear Toothless Dreamer,

Did you know that dreams about losing teeth are one of the most common reoccurring dream themes?

Yep, you are not alone. But, there are a few different running theories for why we dream about losing teeth. The most obviously one is losing teeth reflects anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Teeth are important, they are noticed when you smile. Good, strong, and healthy teeth portray youth and virulence. To support this theory, researchers report that women experiencing menopause (who often feel less attractive) report these types of dreams more often.

Another theory, might be tied to your feeling of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in certain situations. These dreams obviously over exaggerate our worries about acceptance. Most often, the real world worries creating these anxieties are unfounded. However, since we use our teeth to chew, bite, etc, teeth are a source of power. So if in your dream you are losing your teeth, perhaps you are losing your power (growing sense of inferiority).

On another note, some cultures believe that when you dream about loose, rotten, falling, or missing teeth it indicates that a family member or close friend is sick or nearing death (Hispanic and Greek). Chinese culture says that your teeth fall out if you are telling lies.

Which one fits you best?


—Miss C

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