What’s the World’s Deadliest Creature?

What creature kills the most humans each year? You may be thinking an Anaconda or a Shark. What about Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! Maybe it’s the Pirhana?

It’s probably not what’s in your worst nightmare, according to the Bill Gates Foundation. These little critters are more than just annoying, they can be dangerous. This section of Ohio and Indiana had terrible times in the days of the Black Swamp when mosquitoes were very prevalent due to all the standing water.

Take a look at the chart and tell us what you think.biggestkillers_final_v8_no-logo

Third World countries are not the only place where malaria or other dangerous diseases spread from mosquitoes. In the US malaria could be on the rise of recently with all of the storms and standing water of this year, giving an excellent habitat for mosquito larvae. Some of the infections that these and ticks carry can not only be deadly, but permanently debilitating.

What is really sad is humans are right close to the highest, killing their own kind.