Loosen Your Way to Comfort

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck

Have you noticed that it takes a little more effort to get moving in cold weather? Shorter days and colder temperatures make us want to hide under blankets next to a fire. Inactivity and blistery weather cause stiff muscles, which can make us feel twice our age. Muscle stiffness occurs in cold weather because our natural tendency is to tense up when we first come into contact with cold air. In turn, our muscles contract. Also, when we move less, we have less blood flow in our extremities. Instead, blood pools at the lower parts of our body and needs to be pumped up to flow properly.

Try some of the following steps to avoid muscle achiness and stiffness that often occur in the winter months.

  • Move – Try to make a conscious effort to move throughout the day. For every 30 minutes, get up and walk around for five to ten minutes. Try low-impact activities such as yoga or walking the mall, school, or store.
  • Stretch – Before you even get out of bed, start stretching to warm up your muscles. This will get your blood circulating faster and your heart pumping to make you feel more alert.
  • Add Layers – Wearing layers to protect your body from rapid temperature changes between indoors and out will help you keep your body warm. In turn, your muscles will relax.
  • Massage – While considered a luxury for most of us, a massage can alleviate pain and improve range of motion. With more flexibility, you will feel more motivated and relaxed. It’s well worth the money.
  • Soak it up – Take a bath with Epsom salt, which is made of magnesium. Our bodies absorb this mineral to help us flush out lactic acid in the muscles. Magnesium also helps us absorb vitamins and regulate muscle and nerve function.

Whether you have stiff muscles or not, these tips can help you feel more relaxed, improve circulation, increase flexibility, and kick start your sensory system.