More Meaning, Less Expense

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck

‘Tis the season for countless parties and gatherings. Holidays are typically joyous occasions where people look forward to spending time with family and friends. They give people an opportunity to slow down from busy lives and focus on what’s most important. However, the holidays can also bring stress and tremendous expense. In fact, Christmas spending this year is expected to reach approximately $68.9 billion. Revenue for the retail industry for the entire year is expected to exceed $5 trillion!

While everyone enjoys a gift now and then, the expense really isn’t necessary. The things we buy are mostly material items that eventually become outdated. It’s the things that we put thought into that provide more satisfaction and meaning.

Consider some of the following ways you can make a person’s day:

  • Make it from scratch: Homemade gifts make some of the best gifts because it means someone took the time to make them. How about one of Grandma’s special recipes? Or a child’s artistic vision in a painting or drawing? A unique craft?
  • Extend a compliment: A simple compliment or smile takes very little effort, but could make the difference between a bad day and a good day for someone. Who doesn’t need or appreciate a compliment?
  • Hug someone: More people need a hug than you may think. Life is tough, hectic, and complicated. Everybody deals with issues in their lives; nobody is exempt.
  • Write it down: Write a thank you letter to your favorite bank teller, cashier, nurse, hair stylist, or anyone else you frequently see that makes life a little easier for you. Express to someone how much they mean to you. The written word is something that can be kept for ages.
  • Spend time: Perhaps the biggest gift of all is time. Surprise someone you haven’t seen in a number of years. Pick up the phone and talk to that person you’ve been meaning to contact for some time. Visit a complete stranger in a nursing home or hospital. Read stories to children in an orphanage. Many people are lonely and feel hopeless, especially during the holidays. Knowing that someone cares can boost spirits.

These are just a few of the simple and inexpensive ways that you can make a person’s day, as well as your own. Furthermore, they can be performed throughout the year and not just the holidays. Get creative and come up with meaningful gestures of your own. You won’t regret it.